The managing bodies of the Association are the Assembly, the Steering committee and the Supervisory Board.
The Assembly consists of all members of the Association. The meeting of the Assembly is convened and chaired by the Chairman of the Steering committee. An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be convened on a proposal of the Steering committee, as well as the initiative of at least 1/5 of the members of the Assembly. The Assembly has a mandate to appoint and dismiss the person authorized to represent the Association, adopts the Statute and other general acts of the association, as well as amendments to the Statute and other general acts of the Association. The Assembly elects and dismisses the members of the Steering committee, reviews and adopts the plan and program of work of the Association; considers and adopts the financial plan and the report on its implementation. The Assembly also considers and adopts the report of the Steering committee, and decides on the membership fee for the calendar year (for details see here)
The Steering committee is the executive body of the Association, which establishes and implements policies of the Association (i.e. Implements the objectives of the Association set forth in statute). The Steering committee consists of five members, including the President of the Association, who is also the Chairman of the Board. Other members of the committee are Vice Chairman of the Board, Secretary and two members of the Association. Members of the Board are elected and dismissed by the Assembly. The term of office of Board members is two years. Chairman of the Board is the legal representative of the Association and has the rights and duties of the financial manager. Members of the Board receive no compensation for their service. (for details see here)
The Supervisory Board oversees the financial operations of the Association, the implementation of decisions and compliance with this Statute. In case of any observed irregularities, without delay, notifies the Steering committee. The Supervisory Board consists of three members elected by the Assembly. The term of office of members of the Supervisory Board is two years. The Supervisory Board reports on its work to the Assembly. (for details see here)